Get relevant media with identified individuals:
Extract frames from videos with the time of photo-identification data
getVideoFrame(selected_metadata = selected_videos,
output_extension = '.bmp',
timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo",
export_video_folder = export_file_folder,
export_data_folder = NULL,
export_data_filename = NULL,
show_ffmpeg_on_console = FALSE)
Extract short clips from videos with the time of photo-identification data
getVideoClip(selected_metadata = selected_videos,
output_extension = '.MP4',
output_video_codec = NULL,
encoding_speed = "ultrafast",
timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo",
trim_interval = 60, # one minute around the photo-id moment
export_video_folder = export_file_folder,
export_data_folder = export_data_folder,
export_data_filename = paste0(export_data_folder, '/', 'test_videoclips_data.csv'),
show_ffmpeg_on_console = FALSE)
Extract audio clips with the time of photo-identification data
getAudioClip(selected_metadata = df_selected_audios,
output_extension = '.wav',
timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo",
trim_interval = 60,
export_audio_folder = export_file_folder,
export_data_folder = export_data_folder,
export_data_filename = paste0(export_data_folder, '/', 'test_audioclips_data.csv'),
show_ffmpeg_on_console = TRUE)
Relate drone flight log with selected video clips containing identified individuals
selected_fligthlogs <- linkFlightToMetadata(ROOTfolderpath = flightfolderpath,
selected_videos = selected_videos,
flightlog_extension = '.csv',
flightlog_datetime = "CUSTOM.updateTime",
timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo")
Relate the entire drone flight log with selected video clips containing identified individuals
selected_data_fligthlogs <- linkMetadataToFlight(ROOTfolderpath = flightfolderpath,
selected_videos = selected_videos,
flightlog_extension = '.csv',
flightlog_datetime = "CUSTOM.updateTime",
timezone = "America/Sao_Paulo",
melt = TRUE)