Read .SRT files in a given folder and all its subfolders to extract the flight log. The .SRT are the subtitles natively exported along videos to the micro SD card from DJI Phantom and DJI Mavic drones.

readSRT(ROOTfolderpath, timezone = NULL, ignore = NULL)



string. Full path to folder where all the videos to be processed are at (without a final slash). E.g. '/Users/you/Desktop'


string. Add the correct timezone where the drone videos were taken, as per the R base notation (for additional information, see help(timezomes)). Should this argument be left empty, the time zone will be assumed to be the same as the computer system.


Should any .SRT files be skipped, enter a string or a vector of strings that match the file name of such files.


A data frame with the flight data extract from captions generated by DJI drones. The data frame contains the video file name (videoFile), date and time (droneDateTime), date (droneDate), video time (videoTime), home longitude (droneHomeLongitude) and altitude (droneHomeLatitude), aircraft longitude (droneFlightLongitude), latitude (droneFlightLatitude) and altitude (droneAltitude), camera ISO (cameraISO), shutter speed (cameraShutterSpeed), exposure value (cameraEV) and aperture (cameraFnum)


Alexandre Machado


if (FALSE) { drone_flightlogs <- readSRT(ROOTfolderpath = '/Desktop/you/data', timezone='America/Sao_Paulo', ignore = "DJI_0020.SRT")}