Select drone videos that contain photoidentified individuals by matching timings of the drone metadata database with the timing of the relevant metadata of the photoID database. This data frame will be passed to droneTrim() function to generate either drone video clips or screenshots of the drone videos with the identified individuals.

  data_datetime = NULL,
  video_datetime = c("video", "srt"),
  format_data_datetime = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",
  keep_all = FALSE,
  timezone = NULL,
  export = NULL



a dataframe containing all the metadata of the photographs, as produced by the function getPhotoMetadata(), or a dataframe with observational data with time and date.


a character giving the column name of the date-time variable.


a dataframe containing all the metadata of the drone videos, as produced by the function getVideoMetadata()


Choose between the datetime extracted from the 'video' (default) or the 'srt' file.


character string giving a date-time format as used by strptime. Note that format is ignored if provided when data is a dataframe produced by the function getPhotoMetadata().


logical. If TRUE, return all the observations from photoid_metadata, otherwise returns only the pictures matching videos in video_metadata


string. Add the correct timezone where the drone videos were taken, as per the R base notation (for additional information, see help(timezomes)). Should this argument be left empty, the time zone will be assumed to be the same as the computer system.


full path AND .csv filename to where the dataframe should be exported to. E.g. export = '/Users/you/Database/selected_videos.csv'. Should the data not be exported, export=NULL


a data frame with the metadata of the drone videos included in the dataframe containing the metadata of the photographs. From this dataframe, the function getVideoClip will generate either video clips or screenshots of the videos with the identified individuals.


Mauricio Cantor, Alexandre Machado


if (FALSE) selected_videos <- selectVideos(video_metadata = myVideoMetadata, photoid_metadata = myPhotoMetadata, keep_all = FALSE, timezone='America/Sao_Paulo', export = NULL)