Installation and dependencies
The MAMMals R package runs on the R environment and depends on two external software:
Install MAMMals R Package
The MAMMals
package can be installed from the Bitbucket repository:
2. Install and/or load the package remotes
if(!require(remotes)){install.packages('remotes'); library(remotes)}
Collaborative Development
These tools can streamline the integration of photographic techniques to identify individual animals with other multiple multimedia sampling platforms. However, we acknowledge there is room for improvement. We encourage further development of these tools collectively by making all the code entirely open and ready to be edited. If you would like to contribute to the further development of these tools, feel free to fork the repository. Contributors may need to set a free Bitbucket account. To become a formal collaborator, please email us and we will grant you reading, writing and administrative access to the repository.
Maintainers and Contact
Alexandre MS Machado
Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Email: alexandremarcelsm at
Mauricio Cantor
Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Germany.
Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Email: mcantor at
This is a supplementary material of the following article submitted in 2021 to Mammalian Biology. If you use some of these tools, please cite:
Machado AMS & Cantor M. A simple tool for linking photo-identification with multimedia data to track mammal behaviour.